
Rejestracja: 2014-09-07
Quality is better then Quanity.
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Ilość potrzebnych punktów: 11
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Bilard 8 - 2009

Bilard 8 - 2009

Bilard 8 - 2009
3 lat 73 dni temu


     Let's start with something that goes on in my neighborhood and my family every day.   We all have friends or family who are so paranoid they think if someone just looks their general direction that person is staring at them.   I remember the day I was riding on a 4 lane road with a realities of mine and out of no where she says why is she staring at me.   I said who?   She said that woman in that other car.   I looked over to see what she was talking about only to discover that the passenger in the other car was watching the traffic crossing the road in front of both our car and theirs.   The only way she could see the on coming cars was to look over the front of our car, and because she had her head and eyes facing our car, my realities thought she was looking AT us.   I said to her she is not staring at us and if you were not looking at her you would not notice she was even looking our direction.    I live in a neighborhood that the homes are very tightly packed together, so you can not sit on your porch and look any direction besides up or down without looking in the direction of another house.   It is worse in the summer when everyone wants to sit on their porch.   I have neighbors that swear other neighbors are staring at them and talking about them when they look in their general direction.  Again I tell them if you are not looking at them you will not notice they are looking your way, so if it bugs you do not look that way.   What I will never understand is how they got that paranoid they think everyone is staring at them.   What are they doing that they worry if someone sees them doing it?
     Another thing I will never understand is why some people get all mad at other people without checking out the facts when the story is told to them by a third party.   A good example of that was the night I tried to call one of my friends and got her mom by mistake cause they traded phones( they used to do that a lot idk why).   The mom yelled at me for calling her thinking it was her daughter when I had a problem with the grandson.   Shortly later I got a call from the other daughter she was mad because I was going to tell the kids mother what he did, and she claimed he was not even at the scene of the crime.   She claimed he was with her up the street. ( She called me because of what ever her mom told her.)   The interesting part of this story came about 15 min later when the kids mom came knocking on my door.   At first I was not gonna answer it I had had enough , and that is what I told her through the door.   If she just came down to pick a fight to save it cause I had 2 already.   I was surprised when she said that was not why she was there, so I opened the door and let her in.   She told me her sister had lied to both me and their mother.   She said the grandson was not with the aunt, that he was exactly where I had said he was.   The grandmother was all too willing to believe the lie told to her by her daughter rather then the truth I told her.   I do not understand why people do not check things out BEFORE they get all irate.  Simply checking with the kids mother the grandmother would have found out her other daughter lied to her about where the grandson was and she would not have made herself look so foolish.
     Another thing I do not understand is why people assume things when they do not have all the facts.   I have several realities that  do that and it is annoying, because most often they are wrong.  The good thing is most of my friends are not like that they will come to me if they hear something but do not hear it all so they can get the rest of the story BEFORE they get mad. lol which is not to say they never got mad after they got all the facts, but at least they were mad about the real thing and not something they made up in their heads.   I will never understand why people assume instead of asking questions to those that know.
     As you can see I do not understand a lot of things.   Sometimes I feel like I come from a different planet from everyone else in my life.