
Rejestracja: 2014-09-07
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Bilard 8 - 2009

Bilard 8 - 2009

Bilard 8 - 2009
3 lat 74 dni temu


     As the old year comes to an end and a new one approaches it comes the time for reevaluations.   As I look back on the year past I look for things I can change in the year to come.   What do I need to change?  What do I want to change?  What have I learned about the people I thought I knew only to be surprised by things they have done, and how do I keep from getting hurt by the same people again.  

     There are those that think just because you can not see the person on the other side of the computer that they have no feelings.   I asked someone tonight if someone betrays you what do you do?   She said you cut them lose.   I am not the type to give up on someone I call my friend just because they have hurt me.   However I do need to shield myself from being hurt by them again.   I may do this by not telling them as much as I once did.   The dictionary defines a friend as one attached to another by affection or esteem.  It is true in fact I once had a lot of both for this person and much trust also.   It is written a trust broken can never be mended.   I do not agree with that I say a trust broken although you may mend it will never be as strong as it was before it was broken.   The Golden Rule says DO ONTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO ONTO YOU.  I just wonder how my friend would feel if I did onto her as she has done onto me.   We had made an agreement long ago that what she and I said to one another was to remain between us, and this is the second time she has done something like this to me.   I now fear I may be forced to not talk about as many things with her as I have in the past as I no longer know what she will choose to tell others.

     One can choose to dwell on the bad things and those who have hurt you in the past or they may choose to remember them but not allow them to have ay effect on your future life. I think I may try that road.   This is my life so why should I allow someone that does not care about my feelings make me cry.   It is also written: Those that would make you cry are not worthy of your tears, and those that are worthy would never make you cry.  

     For now I choose to trust in the friends who have never let me down and cling to them at this time of year.   It is those that have never let me down that will help me thorough the worst the new year can offer.   It has been so very long sense I have been really happy at this time of year.   What is that line from a Christmas carol something like what is Christmas but a time for finding yourself another year older?