
Rejestracja: 2013-08-24
i love this game. i hate this game.
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i have become my dad ( getting old and getting goofy )

so...i was shaving using an electric trimmer and i was trying to trim my nose hairs. i must have hit a nerve or something because all of a sudden my nose started bleeding profusely. i called my wife and , as usual, she started yelling at me for being so careless. my son came up to see what the fuss was about and started laughing at me. and there i was, sitting on the couch, putting tissue after tissue to my nose while she yelled and he laughed. it was at this point i realized i had become my father, the roles had completely reversed. i remember laughing at my dad when i was growing i was him. it just seems that the older i get the more goofy i become. i don't even want to get into the story of getting my pecker stuck in my pants zipper a few months ago. the difference there was that both my wife and son were laughing at me. there was no getting it off.....yes, i had to go to the hospital and yes, it was just female doctors on staff at that time. my embarrassment knew no limits.. oh, and let me tell you, when you get a needle down there and can't feel your penis at all...thats a bit scary. i was walking around for 2 hours after that constantly patting my crotch TO MAKE SURE IT WAS STILL THERE.  what a stupid thing to happen, what a mortifying experience. the admission clerk asking me why i was there for and me leaning close and whispering out of the side of my mouth. ohh man..why me?  

my place betting method for woodbine harness racing october 1st 2019

in my previous post i posted the basic rules of my method. though i don't reveal exactly what angles i use i did post in the comments the results of my method for yesterdays races. lets see how it does tonight.

race 1

number 7 had a strong angle actually he had more than just one angle. . number 3 had a strong angle but was moving up in class and my method ignores horses that are moving up in class no matter how great they appear. thus number 7 was the contender, became the favorite at 6-5 and was the play. he lead all the way and won easy by three lengths. the place pay out was a bit of a disappointment at 2.60. the number 3 that looked great but was rising in class wasn't in the money. 

race 2

number 6 showed a strong angle. number 7 had a strong angle but both of its last two races were at a b rated track, thus, ignored. number 7 became the 4-5 favorite, lead most of the way and won by about  1 1/2 lengths. paid  the pay out was an insult however as it paid more to show than it paid to place. 2.70 to show and 2.40 to place. it should have been the other way around at least. 

race 3

number 4 was a favorite in its last race and lost and tonight is the favorite again.....this is an automatic play for me.....HOWEVER broke stride in its last race. cardinal rule of horse not bet on a horse that broke stride in its last race. there were no other contenders, so pass this race. number 4 led for most of the race..ran out of gas in the stretch..finished fourth. 

race 4

number 6 showed a strong angle. however, as one of the rules i posted in my previous post....when there are three horses at post time who have odds so close together  that you cannot be certain who the favorite or second choice is going to be..pass the race. the number 1, the number 6 and number ten were 3-1 3-1 5-2......then 3-1 5-2 3-1.....and they kept switching around. number 10 became a 2-1 favorite after the race started. i couldn't bet this testing has shown me it is best to pass races like this. number 10 won and number 6 finished 3rd. 

race 5
number 4 showed a strong angle but it was on the fringes of what is acceptable it was dropping in class but its last race was terrible and its odds were 72-1 . clearly showing he did  not warrant being in that class. my studies have shown fringe qualifiers like him are better passed on. regardless, he wasn't the favorite or second choice so he woiuld not have been bet. thus i would bet the favorite but the two lowest horses on the tote board were trading places being the favorite and were at identical odds. there was no clear cut decision. the race was passed. number 4 finished 3rd ..almost got up for 2nd. the two confused favorites were not in the money. 

race 6

horse number 6 showed a strong angle. number 7 showed a strong angle but had not raced in over a month. in harness racing..if a horse hasn't raced within 14 days it is ignored. thus number 6 was only contender with a strong profile and went of as a clear 9/5 second choice and became the play. it sat in 4th most of the race..made a three wide move at the top of the stretch and closed in sharply, winning by a head. too bad the 3/2 favorite held on to second and made the chance of a generous place pay remote. however. another insult as the 3/2 favorite paid more to place than my 9/5 second choice. the favorite paid a pretty nice 3.40 to place while my 9/5 second choice paid 2.90 to place!! what a bunch of bullshit. 

race 7

passed race. as per the rule i stated in my previous post....ignore races where too many of the horses are coming from different tracks. it was an 8 horse field and 5 of the horses are coming from inferior b rated tracks. to make things even sillier......the horses from the inferior tracks were showing good races while the woodbine horses were dogs in their last races. you have the best of the mediocre going up against the worst of the higher class track. this race was a pile of crap. one of the horses from one of the inferior BUMFUCK race tracks became the favorite and won. 

race 8

geez..where do i begin with this one? most of the horses were from a different track last race HOWEVER most of them are woodbine horses who went to a different track for a stake race. the number 7 was a hot favorite in that race..1-5.....and broke at the beginning of the race and was out. that same race the number 8 horse also broke stride at the beginning. now you have to wonder if the 8 breaking stride freaked out the 7 and made it break stride.  also, the number 3 horse was in that race and broke stride later in the race at the stretch. was there something wrong with the track? as this just a weird voodoo race? it get trickier because number 6 was also in that race and won it in a fashion that shows a strong angle HOWEVER did he win this way simply because his main competitor..the 1-5 favorite, self destructed at the start? to add to this dilema, number 7 lost as the 1-5 favorite and is the favorite again tonight, an automatic play BUT he broke stride and you are not supposed to play him yet he has a very good record with no breaks and was that break just a blip because of the other horse breaking at the start? are there enough BUTS AND HOWEVERS here? is there enough doubt here for you? i did not bet. number 7 went off as an even money favorite and went from last place to first place down the stretch as he was flying like he was shot out of a cannon. 

race 9

number 2 lost as the favorite in its last race but did not become a favorite tonight. of the remaining horses , number 3 and number 7 both had strong angles but both were moving up in class...thus no bet. number 3 won at 7-1 just to piss me off. if you find the amount of passed races annoying imagine me sitting here for 4 hours watching these races waiting for a bet.

race 10

i looked at this race and saw a very strong angle and was upset instead of happy because i knew the horse was going to go off at 1-5 if not lower. number 2 was massively strong and everyone could see it and its odds opened at 1-5. the odds rose to 3-5 which still wasn't worth the hassle. i didn;t play him but even if i did.....the second choice had to come second yet again to erode the place pool, not that it would have made a big difference.....and number 2  took the lead soon after the first turn and there wasn't much doubt after that. the second choice, number 7, closed very slowly in the stretch and number 2 won by about 3/4 of a length. if i had bet i would have got a 2.30 place pay out and the INSULT , YET AGAIN, of it playing more to show...2.40 than to place.  

for the night...on 200 bets per race.....i am up 190 bucks.....3 for 3. prevoius night i was 3 for 4 and up 120 bucks. but the pay offs tonight were rip offs. like i said..this is just one track....with off track betting theatres you can bet multiple tracks. thus that 310 bucks in 2 days could 3 or 4 times as much potentially if you are play multiple tracks. sticks to big tracks with big betting pools..this method will not work at the small bum fuck tracks. 

horse racing place bet system

here is a method i find works consistently. once you find a horse you think is a contender you place your bet on the horse. then you find a secluded place from which you have a clear view of the race track. from this location you mount your sniper rifle and shoot any horse that threatens to beat your horse during the race.
 okay, just kidding. but i do have a method of play that i will give the gist of. there are certain 'angles' or spot plays to be on the look out for. these are certain types of races or situations that produce a high rate of winners. i'll give you one example of a strong angle.....the horse was the favorite in its last race and lost that race and is the favorite again today. this angle is extremely powerful as the selected horse will win a high percentage of the time ....close to 66 percent of the time a losing favorite will win win next time out if it is the favorite again. if you bet such a horse to place....that means, to finish at least second or better,,,,you will be cashing a ticket 80 percent of the time, although for less than you would make if you bet it to win. 
 now we get to the basic rules of my method. you read the past performances of the program and find a horse that has a strong winning angle. IF that horse is the favorite or the second choice in the betting pool, you bet that horse to place. IF it is not the favorite or the second choice, then you bet whoever else is the favorite to place. that is it in a nut shell. that is the trick. this method works because it identifies where the smart money is going. simply put, if something looks too good to be true it probably is. if you spot a horse who has a past performance that makes him a solid contender who should be an even money favorite or else very low in odds and yet it is going off at 5-1 on the tote board, it is usually NOT  a horse the betting public has 'over looked..' something is up. as anyone who has played the stock market will tell you..if a stock looks cheap, if it looks like a usually isn't. the betting market is very efficient over time and rarely are strong contenders 'over looked.' finding 'overlays' at the track is a myth. 
 that is the basic method but there are certain rules that should be followed. 1) limit races to where there is ONE strong contender. do not bet on any race where you do not find a STRONG ANGLE. 2) do not bet on any race where there is a very strong favorite below 3/ this eats up the place pool and why bet 2 dollars to get back 2 dollars and 10 cents? 3) do not bet on races where the odds of the top three horses are so close together that it is not CLEAR who the favorite is. for example...the odds of the top three horses are 2-1, 2-1, 5-2.......pass these races. this usually happens when there is more than one STRONG CONTENDER. 4) no horse that is moving UP in class is ever bet....even if its last races rates as a STRONG ANGLE. just don't do it do not bet on it. this will serve you well in the long run. this rule is inflexible. 5) pass races where too many horses are coming from different tracks and they are showing decent support in the betting odds. there is just too much uncertainty in such races. but i do look at horses that are coming from higher class tracks. 
 i have about 5 STRONG ANGLES that i look for when using this method but i find the most confident bet i make is when one of my contenders is NOT the favorite or second choice and i bet whoever else is the favorite of the race. quite often these horses win with ease, they romp to victory going away by 3 lengths or more. i am willing to share some of these angle if anyone out there has some input on this method and any ideas to share with me. 
  here is one more strong indicator, as a gift. the horse has finished second by a length or less. both the second place horse and the winner finished 5 lengths or more ahead of the rest of the horses. a horse that finishes a very close second by such a wide margin on the rest of the field will win its next race about 40 percent of the time!!!! this angle needs you to do a bit of work and look at result charts to find these situations but it is beautiful because this information is hidden on the past performance lines. all they will show is that it finished a tight second and not reveal that it has 6 lengths or more on the rest of the field!!!  simply put....a horse that finishes second in this manner might as well have won by 6 lengths. and you get a good price on it because this information is hidden. 
 you will notice that i do not mention TIME very much in my method. this is because i find that the TYPE of race ends up being more important than how fast the race was. but if there is a horse that has a 2 second or more advantage over the other horses to just pass the race. it will probably go off as a 1-5 or 1-9 favorite anyway. 

trump laments division among republican party as he ends shut down

trump is really taking a beating from his fellow republicans he is complaining about it on his twitter account.."Thank you to the Republican National Committee, (the RNC), who voted UNANIMOUSLY yesterday to support me in the upcoming 2020 Election. Considering that we have done more than any Administration in the first two years, this should be easy. More great things now in the works!....yep....he is in so much trouble with his fellow republicans. hahahahahahaha see how upset and divided they are now?? hahahahahahahaha!!!

Trump ally Roger Stone arrested for lying to U.S. Congress

latest headline....."Trump ally Roger Stone arrested for lying to U.S. Congress" might end up getting like.....14 days in prison for that. hahahahahahaha!!!